How it works
1. This is the type of auction. (For more detail please scroll down).
2. This is the one time cost to enter the auction. All Subsequent bids are free.
3. This tells you how much time is left in the auction. When the timer reaches 20 seconds, the fun begins.  Learn more...
4. This represents the current price of the auction item. This will increase by the amount shown in "bid button" with each bid.
5. This represents the Manufactures Suggest Retail Price, here you can see how much you save.
(MSRP $100.00)
 6. This is the item you are bidding on. All items are brand new. Click image in live auctions for details.
 7. This is a short description of auction item. Click on image (in live auctions) for detail description.
8. This is icon indicates this is a secret auction in which bidders are revealed after auction closes.
9. This is the current highest bidder. When the timer reaches zero, the highest bidder wins (unless auction requirement not met.
If you have any further questions please read our FAQ.
   Happy bidding, good luck and most importantly, have fun!
10. The Bid Button. Your 1st click deducts entrance fee from your account. Subsuquent clicks increases bid by the amount seen on the button.

How It Works Summary Details Below




   Detail Description of Auction Types

  • Target Auction         

When auction reaches hidden target price, auction closes with 1st bidder to reach target. If target not met, all auction entrance fees are returned.

  • Reserve Auction         

This auction must at least reach hidden reserve amount to successfully end. If not met, all auction entrance fees are returned.

  • Party Auction       

This auction requires a minimum number of participants to successfully end, if not met, all auction entrance fees are returned.

  • Traditional Auction

Highest bidder wins. All bid clicks are always Free.